Site Profile
View and edit site details and site attributes. When creating a new site, you also navigate to this page, but you must add address and location information, which you can't edit later on Site Profile. By maintaining detailed site profiles, you ensure accurate information for operations, reporting, and decision-making.
Navigate to Sites > Click a site name > Site Information.
To view the change history for a specific field, click the blue book button above that field.
Site details tab
Configure the following site information:
Site name: The official name of the site.
Description: Overview of the site's purpose and features.
Parent org: Parent organization that owns or manages the site.
Site type: The type of site, like education, facility, retail, and so on.
Status: Indicates whether the site is active or inactive.
Override barcode # required to close WO: Whether a barcode is required to close a work order.
Uses weather data: Indicates whether the site uses weather data for monitoring functions.
Warehouse for inventory: Physical warehouse used for storing parts and inventory for the site.
Inventory enabled: Whether site uses the Parts & Inventory module for inventory management.
Cylinder auto transfer: Indicates whether a cylinder automatically transfers or retains its assigned state when used in a refrigerant leak event.
Location and contact info
Configure location and contact information when creating a new site. This information is not editable on Site Profile.
Country: Search for and select the country by clicking the search (magnifying glass) button
State: For U.S. states, search for and select the state by clicking the search (magnifying glass) button
Address line 1: Enter the primary address of the site.
Postal code: site's postal code.
City: Specify the city in which the site is located.
Language: Indicate the primary language used at the site.
Time zone key: Search for and select the time zone by clicking the search button.
Latitude and Longitude: Click Load to automatically populate these fields based on the address given
Attributes tab
Add specific attributes to your site to enhance its profile. Some of the attributes include:
Number of guest rooms: Specify the total number of guest rooms available at the site.
Access to public transportation: Indicate the availability of public transport options nearby.
Geographical market area: Define the market area the site serves.
Lease/own: Whether you lease or own the site
Number of stories: Indicate how many stories the site has.
Sales intensity: Assess the level of sales activity at the site.